Glebe Field Newsletter no.5
The Glebe Field Dig is moving on with newly found structures to the west of the stone lined pit. All appear to be dry stonewalls, those marked in red are assumed the earliest phase with a later phase marked in blue built over the top. The cobbled surface to the north is thought to be contemporary access to the pit and is a third phase aligning with the top of the pit. Most opinions now have settled on the pit being a larder.
Phases and the layouts of the structures may never be fully understood, but we have plenty of areas to dig, which could yet give us the narrative of the Glebe Field site.

Regarding the narrative, probably one of our best finds came to light last month. With help from our local finds liaison officer we have identified a small assemblage of Anglo Scandinavian mounts and copper alloy book or equestrian fittings.

There’s much debate regarding the depiction upon the mounts. Including a King with Trefoil Crown, a Viking deity or even a zoomorphic figure. Whatever these mounts represent they add an exciting dimension to the story, timeline and activity of the site and new impetus to our dig.