Below are some examples of collaborative projects which members of the SharedPast team have been able to help with in recent years. At the heart of our contributions to these projects is the desire to demonstrate and promote the importance of landscape archaeology to the wider public, community archaeology groups, education establishments and charitable trusts. As a result, we have provided consultancy, advice, training, research, presentations and technical support for many projects. If you have a project of your own or wish to develop one and need a bit of help, contact us.

Altogether Archaeology (Registered Charity). A community group which mainly focusses on archeological projects in the North Pennines. As well as generating its own research projects this group works with university and heritage sector partners on a range of activities including landscape analysis, site excavation, training and documentary research.

Elmdon Park. Helping a local history group by providing advice and support to set up a project to help engage young people with their local landscape in Solihull.

Epiacum Heritage (Registered Charity)The incredibly well-preserved earthworks of a Roman fort – probably known to the Romans as Epiacum – is set in the remote and wild landscape of North Pennines AONB. It has been at the centre of a long-term plan by the owners of the farm to make the site and its history accessible to the local community, tourists, schools and university students whilst at the same time providing opportunities for non-invasive research and training.
Landscape Masterclasses For the last few years Stewart has designed and run a series of masterclasses and training programmes for those who want to learn more about landscape archaeology and other non-invasive archaeological techniques. In 2022, two outdoors Masterclases will be held at Epiacum – a beginners guide to reading the landscape, and an introduction to geophysical survey and how it can be used alongside other sources of evidence such as earthworks and lidar.
Click here for details.
My Place in Time (Council for British Archaeology/Young Archaeologists’ Club; Registered Charity). An on-line project and film explaining how to identify clues which tell us how places have changed through time and discover how evidence of the past can sometimes be found in the least expected places.
Click here for details.

Siston (pronounced sizeton) Providing help, support and advice for a small, volunteer-led archaeological project in Somerset.
Click here for details.

Time Team Digital Formally Channel Four’s flagship TV programme, Time Team has been reborn as a new crowd-funded venture hosted by Patreon. Two programmes were made in 2021 and will be broadcast in 2022 and both include community group and volunteer projects. Many of the ‘old’ Time Team regulars feature in this new venture as well as some new faces.

Time Team Dig Village Dunster, a picturesque village in Somerset popular with tourists, was in fact once a thriving town and port during the medieval period. This Time Team funded project not only provided training and opportunities for the local community volunteers it also attracted participants from all over the country and even some from overseas. The project transformed the archaeological and architectural understanding of this medieval town and lost harbour.
Whittington Castle (Registered Charity). The team are currently in the very early stages of helping the Whittington Castle Preservation Trust explore and develop opportunities for a new community project at Whittington and its environs in Shropshire.
Click here for details.
We also have discussions with other groups on an ad hoc basis offering advice and suggestions. These include the representatives of the Estate at Rhug, and a group in Bala.
If you think we can help please get in touch at